EncinoMom the California Lifestyle New Media Magazine.: March 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Name is Lisa, and I'm a Tomato Maniac.

Hi, Lisa.

Walk with us through Encino on this lovely Sunday morning as we trudge through the mud to Tomatomania at Tapia Brothers (Hayvenhurst & 101). We started the morning at Encino Elementary's Pancake Palooza where we had lavish lattes from the best mobile baristas around. Thanks, Encino Dad's & Dudes for organizing this family friendly event!

A walk past the final stages of our local mini-mall makeover yields to a stroll through Los Encinos State Historic Park.

I learn that cactus is a survival food. Good to know.

The sun plays hide and seek behind the clouds as we pull the little red wagon up to Tapia Brothers where Tomatomania has taken up residence for the weekend. The kids explore, roosters roam, and tomato maniacs like me peruse the plants.

Back home the mud meets the mat. . .

and it's tomato planting time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

LACMA membership card just arrived!

Costume exhibit extended, catch it before it closes!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Full Moon Leaves EncinoMom Without Water In The Rain?

This picture of water burbling up out of the middle of the street was snapped last night right after the great white full moon took cover behind the clouds, disappearing completely, and just before the clouds burst open with record breaking rainfall!

EncinoMom is high & dry today thanks to A-Quality roofing AND a broken water main! Water, water everywhere . . . OUTSIDE - due to the big storm - NO water inside - due to the new ridge caps on the roof. Yeah! Thank you
Javier Ascarrunz. INSIDE - we are completely without water. Yep, no showers, no laundry and NO COFFEE!
So glad we recently got drinking water samples from Harvey Branman and his Kangen water. The water samples are gone, but we refilled the bottles from the tap last night before DWP turned off the water in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Irish Whiskey Pudding Recipe

I make this every year from eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla and a little Irish Whiskey. Topped with whipping cream and mint sprigs it's the perfect finish to your St. Patty's Day celebration. You can easily substitute a package of pudding mix and add about a Tablespoon of Irish Whiskey. Too much and the flavor is too strong and your pudding won't set properly. Sorry, no pictures until tomorrow. : ( I hope to have my pudding/custard made around noon, so check back for a more thorough recipe and my snaps. Thanks!

E-waste Drive Benefits, Mother Earth, Encino Elementary & YOU

If your desk is clear, but you've got a box of "what the heck do I do with this" electronics lurking around your home or office, this post is for you. Just got word that Encino Elementary is having an E-waste drive this Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm. If you have electronic items at your home or office that belong in the trash, but don't belong in the landfill, here's your chance to dispose of them. Easy-peasy AND the school benefits from the proceeds! Win-win-win!
Click here for details: E-Waste Drive

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Ahead Backyard Campout

What better way to spend a short Saturday night than camping out in your own backyard? Friends joined in for scary story time around the fire and S'mores cooked on coat hangers over a Duraflame. I slept like a baby on an air mattress topped with a featherbed, sleeping bags and my favorite pillow - luxuries I'd never haul up a mountain!

Too cold where you live? Rough it with an indoor campout! Haul out the sleeping bags and let the kids sleep in a tent in the living room. Read by flashlight (no TV, phones, computers, etc.) tell stories by the fireplace (if you have one) - cook S'mores in the microwave or over your gas stove (if you don't)!

What a fun way to celebrate setting the clocks ahead an hour!


hot dogs

Admittedly not from my "Healthy Meals in Minutes" file, but once a year is okay with me. (And really, would it sound like as much fun if I revealed that the buns were 100% whole wheat, we air popped the popcorn, topped it with olive oil and sea salt or that we grilled broccoli along side the turkey dogs? Well maybe in California! lol)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Encino In Winter

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